It has still gruposonde exist action correct, as for example, the selective collection of the garbage, masseguem the consumistas attitudes that have as deresduos consequence an increasing volume. In this context the school, acting in the ambient education has umimportante paper. As Maria Jose de Arajo Rasp in its EcologiHumana book: The education is, thus, being called to play papeisparadoxais. At the moment where it looks for to adjust to the individual the society, it must instrument-lopara also criticaresta same society. (...) the ambient education demands a critical position and umcorpo of knowledge produced from a reflection on the realidadevivenciada one. Being a proposal essentially communitarian, it materializes-seatravs of one practical one whose bigger objective is the promotion of comportamentoadequado to the ambient protection. It holds a desalienante conception, porquantopressupe actions directed toward the sprouting of new values, where aparticipao is one begins basic. Thus, integral and directed actions are educational instruments that can serutilizados in the process of ambient education, and the dialogues between the diversossegmentos of the society can provide to the pupils differentiated vises sobreos subjects, as well as aimings for an performance accomplish.
The accomplishment of activities that englobem the conhecimentocientfico and the debate of realities is a differential. These activities to podemser carried through, for example, monthly and to approach the subject chosen for meiode followed lectures of debates between the segments. It is basic to give vozao to be able public, the civil society (that it can be represented porcooperativas, ONGs, etc), and to the pupils. The pupil will be able to exercise the saberacadmico in real situations, and will have the chance to live deeply the solution deproblemas, the opening of chances, as well as the impediments that are not rarosno that it says respect the ambient attitudes. The objective biggest will be to inquietar to parapromover the action, will have the possibility to develop the capacity important criativato in the life in community. We will be promoting ' ' fazer' ' , essential so that our young can live in a realmentesustentvel environment. RefernciBibliogrfica Guimares, Mauro. Ambient Adimenso in the education. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 1995.
The accomplishment of activities that englobem the conhecimentocientfico and the debate of realities is a differential. These activities to podemser carried through, for example, monthly and to approach the subject chosen for meiode followed lectures of debates between the segments. It is basic to give vozao to be able public, the civil society (that it can be represented porcooperativas, ONGs, etc), and to the pupils. The pupil will be able to exercise the saberacadmico in real situations, and will have the chance to live deeply the solution deproblemas, the opening of chances, as well as the impediments that are not rarosno that it says respect the ambient attitudes. The objective biggest will be to inquietar to parapromover the action, will have the possibility to develop the capacity important criativato in the life in community. We will be promoting ' ' fazer' ' , essential so that our young can live in a realmentesustentvel environment. RefernciBibliogrfica Guimares, Mauro. Ambient Adimenso in the education. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 1995.