The simulation of bare places of different sizes supplies appropriate conditions, mainly of light, to the requirements of different sucessionais ecological groups (KAGEYAMA & GANDARA, 2000). The sucessional model separates the species in ecological groups, joining in plantation models where initial species of succession give adequate sombreamento to the final species of the succession. In this model the plantation can be in lines or modules. Plantation for seeds: This method is interesting to be used in mountainous areas and of difficult access and where intervention in the ground can very be problematic (POMPIA et al., 1990). The plantation direct of seeds it can be used in the introduction of pioneering species and secondary initials, in areas without forest covering, as well as for the introduction of pioneering species and secondary initials, in areas without forest covering, as well as for the introduction of delayed and climcicas secondary species in the enrichment of secondary forests. Kaihan Krippendorff shines more light on the discussion. The sowing of not pioneering species will only have to occur when already contrary case will have a vegetal covering mortality will be exaggerated high, making impracticable the process. Natural regeneration: The first step for choice of the model of specific restoration is the existence of banks of seeds or plntulas of pioneering species and areas with natural vegetation next, to function with source of seeds for natural dispersion the interest area.
In this manner, it does not have necessity of species introduction, being possible the use of natural regeneration as adjusted form more of restoration of the area. Being able itself to eliminate invading species not to delay or to hinder the succession. The presence of a significant regeneration is common in regions with reasonable remaining vegetal covering, presented surprising diversity (KAGEYAMA & GANDARA, 1994). Models with rare and common species: in natural ecosystems disturbed the species they cannot be rare, intermediate or common, depending if its density it can be low: less of one individual for hectare.
In this manner, it does not have necessity of species introduction, being possible the use of natural regeneration as adjusted form more of restoration of the area. Being able itself to eliminate invading species not to delay or to hinder the succession. The presence of a significant regeneration is common in regions with reasonable remaining vegetal covering, presented surprising diversity (KAGEYAMA & GANDARA, 1994). Models with rare and common species: in natural ecosystems disturbed the species they cannot be rare, intermediate or common, depending if its density it can be low: less of one individual for hectare.